What are the chances of you checking out this page in your lifetime among 8 billion people? Slim.

You’re reading this now, because

It’s your time.

You’re reading this now because it your time. Just as much as "when the student is ready, the teacher appears," you’re here because

You’re ready.

You’re ready to be heard, to be seen,

And to make a difference behind your dreams.

You’re really yet to see what you’re truly designed for.

I am fully convinced…

“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him."

- 1 Corinthians 2:9

You embody and believe that you’re called for more.

You’re designed for more. You’re meant for more.

There’s so much you want to offer.

Often beyond what you can express.

More than you can even pick and decide to do.

But you’re here. You found me.

This means the road of indecision,

second guessing, and playing

small ends here.


My name is Ava V. Manuel.

I am passionate in 3 things: clarity, strategy, and expansion.

"Transforming Struggle into Strength, Pressure into Power,

and Adversity into Advantage to Create the Life You Truly Want.”

What You Can Expect?

  • Instantaneous Transformation: Discover the power of instant change. Ava stands by the belief that a single realization can catapult you into a new dimension of self and success. Prepare to experience your next-level transformation within hours, not years.

  • Master the Art of Alchemy: Learn to transmute your struggles into unshakeable strength, pressure into limitless power, and adversity into your greatest advantage. This workshop will teach you to harness the raw materials of your life and sculpt them into a masterpiece.

  • Empowerment from Within: Ava will guide you to unlock your inner power source, teaching you to become the generator of your destiny, shaping events, situations, and outcomes with intention and clarity.

  • Blueprint for Prosperity: Leave with a personalized roadmap that navigates from where you are to where you want to be, transforming your dreams into tangible realities.

  • Expect Breakthroughs: We're not just raising the bar; we're transcending it. Anticipate breakthroughs that will challenge your perceptions, shift your reality, and elevate your life in ways you've never imagined.

  • Expect Empowerment: You'll emerge not only inspired but also empowered, equipped with the tools, knowledge, and confidence to take control of your life's narrative.

  • Expect Transformation: This workshop is the key to unlocking your fullest potential, offering a transformation so profound, your present self will marvel at who you become.

Your Path to Prosperity is Here!

This exclusive, invite-only event is your gateway to a life of prosperity, power, and purpose. Spaces are limited to ensure a personalized, impactful experience for each attendee.

Your journey to transform adversity into advantage, to turn pressure into power, and struggle into strength, begins with a single step.

This workshop is your opportunity to l craft your next level story of transformation, guided by one of the most credible and compelling voices in the field of media influence and personal developmentSecure your spot. 

Transform your life. Embrace your prosperity.

RSVP Now to Claim Your Place in “The Hunt for Prosperity” Workshop, and Prepare to Redefine your Future.

About Ava V. Manuel

As the architect of "The Hunt for Prosperity," Ava brings more than just her name to this 3-hour transformational experience; she brings a legacy of profound change, both within herself and in the lives of those she touches. 

Ava V. Manuel is not just a beacon of transformation and empowerment; she is a force of nature, whose own life story reads like a masterclass in transcending boundaries and redefining what's possible. 

Her tenure as editor-in-chief of The Los Angeles Tribune is marked by a visionary approach to storytelling, one that champions the human spirit's capacity to overcome and evolve.

Under her leadership, the Tribune has become a platform for voices that inspire action, change, and resilience, mirroring Ava's own journey from a life shadowed by poverty to one illuminated by influence and impact.

What others say about Ava?

Testimonials from those who have worked with Ava or attended her events highlight the tangible impact of her guidance.

From career breakthroughs and personal epiphanies to the launch of successful ventures and the healing of old wounds, the stories of transformation are as varied as they are powerful.

These narratives provide undeniable evidence of Ava's skill in facilitating growth, change, and empowerment.

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